Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Final Blog... what i learneed this sem..

There are many things that I learned this semeter with Perf. Wahl, and Simon. I leand that is is many ways to find the topic, and main idea, one way is to look for the word that is repeated, and look for the exampls. I also leaned that you have major and minnor deltails. The major details supporst the main idea. The minor deatil supports the major detail to back it up. For example, the minor details can give examp0le meaning it breakes it down so that way you can explain that way you can understand thigs more.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My List Of food that I ate... OMG... i THINK I AM FULL OF CORN...OPPS

Friday April 2, 2010

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Glitterfy.com - Photo FlipbooksBefore, I went to class me and Angelica decided to walk over to the 711 store. The First thing, I had Friday morning was 2 donuts, a bag of chips (Fritos) and a sprite and when we braked I decided to walk back over to the 711 store and got a Hot Dog. Later that day I had lunch when I got home from school my mom made fish portions and I made a fish sandwich with American cheese and tutor sauce. I decided to go to dinner with a couple of my friends because it was her b-day to celebrate The last thing I had, for dinner that night I had went to TGIF, FIRDAY’S I had order me a appetizer and that was onion pills/straws and a 12 count of buffalo wings with a extra 6 wings because I was still hungry and another 6counf to take home so I could eat for Saturday for lunch. Them my pain plate was a 10oz sirloin steak with a side of fries with a mine and maid Limon aid. The rest of the food I did not eat I asked for a to-go box and saved the rest for lunch on


On Saturday April 3, 2010
Photo Flipbook Slideshow Maker
Glitterfy.com - Photo FlipbooksThe next morning I had 2 bananas at 11:05 in the morning I really was not all that hungry. But I know when it became it came down to Lunch witch was at 1:05 I had the rest of my dinner that I did not eat witch was the rest of the other half of my steak and 6 wings left and a slice of b-day cake that they had at the dinner last night but I did not decide to eat it at the restaurant I took it home because I was full and to top that off I ate the cake when I ate my wings and steak. After, that by 3:00pm I gad two hot dogs with chips- salt N vinegar chips. Latter that night around 8:00 I had a meat lover pizza from Pizza Hut with an order of bread sticks. My dessert was Chocolate pudding with a cup of ginger ail.

On Sunday April 4, 2010

Photo Flipbook Slideshow Maker
Glitterfy.com - Photo FlipbooksIn the morning I ate a bowl of cereal witch was fruit loops before I went to church. When I got back in the house I decided to fix a packet of noodles at 2:30. Then my mom called and asked me did I want something from the gas station and she was on her way home and I told her that I wanted a $.99 bag of chips. I wanted a bag of Fritos twists-honey BBQ Waiting on Easter Dinner. Latter that Night I had 2dinners I had a dinner @ my house then also had one at my aunt house. The 1st meal that I had at my house was a plat with ribs, sweet potatoes, potato rolls, party chicken wing its, and ham. Then I had to get 2 slices of cake that my grandmother had cooked witch was a strawberry wiped cream cake. OMG THAT CAKE WAS SO GOOD. All I can think of that was going thought my head was the Joke… it goes “ I LOVE YOU LIKE A FAT BOY LOVES CHOLET CAKE”. & that is How I WAS LOVING MY grandma’s cake. Then I left my house and my friend picked me up & went to her cook out at her house it was about 9:00 I had a hot dog with ketchup and mustard, and more ribs, chop, shichcubobs on a stick, cheese burger, and a some dirt cake but I took that home with me because I was full of food I got a lot of left over that I think will last me over the week… I am now in the house @ 11:45 tiered and ready to go to sleep… I have the “eye test” lol yall know what that is.. SMH “RANDOM” I enjoyed this blog.. I hope yall enjoyed mine… Love yall much… N yes I know I can eat… I know I sound fat… I love MY “FOOD” Im going to try and cut back and try to eat healthy after reading this.. I still think I am going to eat Junky. My people always told be to ENJOY IT WILE I CAN.. n I THINK THAT IS WHAT I AM GOING TO DO BECAUSE I AM YOUNG…I WILL EAT HEALTHY SOMETIMES…

Monday, March 29, 2010

Inclass Blog: March 29th 2010: #2 (The Characters)

2. Do you like the characters better as they are represented in the book or on the TV show? Why?    
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[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*]I think that the Characters Hawk & Spencer are more diffrent in the book because in the book It seems like that Spencer is in charge when he is not in the tv show that we all looked at on Friday in class. In TV show Hawk was the one that was in charge. The way I would descibe Hawk is that he is Black, He is from the hood, he lives in "Elite" but a tough guy in person. Hawk in the Tv show knows eveything that is going to happen before it actually happens. He is there before anything gose down and when he makes it the is know more trouble becasue he is not having it cause he says he runs this. He looks at it as dont start nothing waont be nothing, if anything is getting started it him and he will finsh it. Hawk is "BOSS MAN" in the T.V. show

I think that Spencer is more laid back in the T.V show way more then Hawk is. I would describe Spencer as A White man, that is caring, and a person that is with Sussan like every 5 mins when Hawk pops up. Spencer is more like a punck in the t.v show my oppion. I feel as thought that Spencer is more into the Ex- activies like, for an Example would be: the things that Speincer use to do & be like A drinker, a Ex-cop, a Ex-boxer, former boxer, and ect. Basicaly your (Common man)-Man's man in the Tv show.

Basicly I am saying is that Hawk & Spencer Traied places in the TV SHOW then the BOOK.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Double Deuce

There was there a part were spinser & suesan spincer was upset becasue he is tired of coming home when she fixes somthing to eat he dose not eat everything that she fix. She always has to fix somthing healthy and she  does not care about what he want to eat. He does not eat none of the meal that she fix. he is never staifide with anything she does and i think she knows that from the way he express him self by him not eating the food. Spencer knows that Sussan is doing the cooking think on perpus and that she needs to learn how to cook some food that he eats also. That is why spinser wants to just stay by him self because shw is realy not doing nothing for him...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Teen Mom"Chelsea & Adam" Omg TEEN MOM TALK

“16 & Pregnant” is a good show for young adults today because I feel like Chelsea is mature for her age and Adam is the type of person that does not care about Chelsea that she is about to have his baby. Adam is the type of dad does not care at all about the baby he gives more attention to his car then he gives his baby. I think that Chelsea is spoil between the relationship with her daddy to but she is more responsible and has her mine together about the whole being a teen mom except she does not want to go back to school, but her dad wants her to go back and finish high school at least that. Chelsea has her mine set on putting her baby first and during what she has to do with her baby. When Chelsea tell Adam that they have something important to go he is never there and Chelsea talk to him about the situation and he calls it stupid, tells her to shut up and says “ He dose not care” what she thinks about there baby. Chelsea’s problem is that she does what he say’s like there was a part when he needed some money while she was at her friend house and her friend said something to Chelsea about him disrespecting her over the phone because her friend did not want him to come over her house. Chelsea friend fells as though she always out him first. Chelsea reports to Adam about what she is about to do and who she is with, she also gives him money when he asks , for it and he never says thank you about the things she dose, for him. Adam is a low down selfish person.

There was a point were she went to the per- rally and Adam found out that she went and he cussed her out because she went because he felt that she needed to be at home with the baby and said she is the worst mom when she was at the prep- rally talking about the baby and how bad she wanted to be home. I feel like Chelsea is a good mom when it comes down to what she has to do.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Opinion 1... Madame C.J Walker Said.....

The person I chose for my quote is Madame C.J Walker “The Hairdresser” of 1867-1919. She invented the (Hot Comb) and known for as a “Hairdresser” Madame C.J Walker said “I had to make my own living and my own opportunities don’t sit down and wait for the opportunity to come you have to get up and make them”. In my opinion she is saying I feel like she is saying go for what you wont in don’t let it come to you. She saying set goals for your self and go for them. Don’t let nothing be giving to you go for what you goals and don’t let it go to waist keep trying and never give up. I look at it as if you want something you got go for it and really believing yourself.

A example, would be me trying to pass EN 001 and RD 095 that is my goal and to get out of college a to be a teacher in Computer Graphics. I can’t give up on that because I look at it as that is my goal in life and I want to be successful in life. I want the best for me in life. I have not gave up yet I want to, but I refuses to because I like to fight for things that I want in life that is the what adults do in life and I have adults expectations. Even though, I know that most people and adults are out here struggling today because it hard today to get a job, money issues, just going to school, and more. When I think about the pop culture and how I can relate to this quote I look at is an encouragement and a saying that she looks up to and does and she wants everyone else to do because you always do not have to give up, and down your self in life. I want to note that everyone does not have to lose everything you can win also in life.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Real World In DC

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[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*]In real world in Dc there are 8 cast and they are Andrew Woods, 21 - Denver, CO, Erika Wasilewski, 21 - Chicago, IL, Emily Schromm, 21 - Columbia, MO.Ty Ruff, 22 - Baltimore, MD,Mike Manning, 23 - Thornton, CO,Ashley Lindley, 22 - Fort Bragg, CA, Josh Colon, 23 - Philadelphia, PA.  Real world in Dc. is diffrent to be because it's not people from DC. and you would think that it would be people form DC. I think that would make the show more real and not to fake. The people in this reality show is to fake I think. You have people in the 2nd episode hooking up I think that is  problem becasue you just now meeting up with these people and you know nothing about them.. I would want to get to know them 1st before trying to hook up with them. You have Emilly and Ty fuziin and cuzzin at each other like they go together when they don't. Emilly & Mike are bi-sexual and they let it be known and they have somthing in commen. You would think that this show would be about drugs, sex, and drama.. The show is more about a hok up show and more drama I think this show to be is not my type of intrest becasue I like the it need more people and people from dc.

Friday, February 26, 2010

American Best Dance Crew Season 5

I feel like Amrican Best Dance Crew season 5 is the one of the hottest shows on MTV.  It is real because i think you have peopl all over the USA.  Amrican Best dance Crew make people just think about what you can do with you talent and how to have fun with your talent, It makes you think about how you can use your talent that you have and you can show it off to others that you compeat with all over the USA.

It's this One Dance Crew called "Havey Impact" Its a all Boys crew and they are havey set boys and they  are very taltent and they do not let there size get in the way of there dancing becasue its somthing that they are very good at, adn somthing that thet love. They think about what people say because they are doing a positive thing with thiere life. I also feel like they are a crew that encouge big people/havey set people.. ( No disrespect I love big people) In no I am not sayin that because I am small....LOL.. thinking something that My Prof.. would say (RANDOM)LQTMS.. This is a very good way to show how big people have talent too. They can be Big and do anything and everything just like small, med, and large people...

Like this boy I think his name is "Issac" basicly he is a havey set dude and he can dance touble. On one episode he did runnin rand off backhand spring and he shocked everyone becasue he was a big guy and the judges did not expect that form him..... Take a Lookhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE5aWk-1qEM

There is A Nother Crew Called X-treme motion it is a all girl crew. i think they are good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dud7ji-7gmo

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lil Mo: 4ever lyrics

[Lil' Mo]
Baby, I'm at the point in my life, when I'm tired of playing games.

I'm ready to settle down,I'm ready to buy a house And I'm ready to change my last name.

I'm ready to have some kids, and Ready for the life to live, and all love has to give.

I been your superwoman for, So long.

Ready to be your wife.


Little M-O...

[Lil Mo]

Now that love's taken over.

I'm 100% sure that it's here to stay

I ain't got no issues standing in my way, I ain't goin nowhere

You ain't goin nowhere, so let's make it official

We ain't gettin no younger baby ,and I'm ready to be with you

Together, for always to have ,and to hold through, sickness, and, through health marriage will be crazy baby.

Can you live with it, lovin me, for life

To have, and hold forever baby ride, or die til death do us part

Let's make it last forever are you ready to be happy babe,for the rest of your life

Cause I wanna be your future, yeah ,and let's start a family cause I ain't goin nowhere,and you ain't goin nowhere so let's make it official...

Let's make it official

We ain't gettin no younger baby ,and I'm ready to, be with you

Together for always to have ,and to hold through, sickness, and through health, marriage will be crazy baby

Can you live with it, lovin me for life .

To have and hold forever.

Baby ride or die til death do us part.

Let's make it last forever

I'm ready to walk down that aisle in all white,and dedicate my life to you (yeah, yeah),and live together happily ever after all.


All I been thinkin bout is us.

Slidin from weddings with bands on.

Headin to San Juan, gettin our tan on.

Girl, you must be forgettin your man's long.

Most tuxes I have trouble gettin the pants on,and I know things run through your head when your man's gone.

I come home have you sayin (Oh Boy) better than Cam'ron

We upsettin they plans on

Gettin they chance on

Gettin they hands on F-A-B-O

[Lil' Mo]

Can you live with it, lovin me, for life

To have and hold forever,Baby ride or die til death do us part

Let's make it last forever

Can you live with it, lovin me for life

To have and hold forever

Baby ride or die til death do us part

Let's make it last forever

Make it last forever, and ever and ever Can you live with it, lovin me for life...

Lil Wanyne Best Rapper ALIVE.... "ROCKZ OUT"

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[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*]Lil Wayne is the best Rapper Alive that is what he would say and everyone would say. I love Lil Wayne so much he is very popular/ well known in what he dose such as rapping, a good dress to boys, and his lyric of his raps. Although, Lil Wayne has changed a lot through out the years since he stared. His raps are sometimes meaningful but most about money, sex, women, and drugs. Lil Wayne today has changed so much in his music now he is more into rock.

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[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*]Lil Wayne has a story about him self that he grew up as an independent. Lil Wayne style today is very popular with his clothes that he wears. Every male that you see or are around you they all look like they dress like Lil Wayne.Lil Wayne to me is a person that everyone looks up to because, ever since he to his lip pierced everyone decided to get it done because that was the new style. I feel like sometimes people don’t think about them self and the difference in Lil Wayne.

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[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*]He is a celebrity and the people are not. That is why sometime the things he does are not good because, it influence the people. Another, thing is that he has so many tattoos and today a lot of young adults are getting them also at a very young age. They do not think about there future and how they are going to get professional job or how siren jobs look at you if your tattoos are exposed or if you have any piercing like a tough ring ,or lip, and belly ring ect.

All I have to say is that Lil Wayne is a beast and the Best Rapper Alive……

Monday, February 1, 2010

All over the place..

There was One time when I was with my cuzo and we was sitting in the house board as ever. We was thinkin about whata we wanted to do and we all came up with somthing My cuzo was like she wanted to go to the bowlin, and i wanted to get somthing to eat, I also wanted to go to the movies. But My friend whated to go over her friend house and chill out for while. So get a phone call while we sittin in the house thinkin bout what we going do still so  my friend call me and she like come get her so i did that so I told my people that i will be back i am bout to go get my friend Mill. So when she go in the car i ask her what she want to do today. So she go idk... 30 sec latta she was like she want to go to the mall.. So we pull up in the driva way bout to get out my car. So go in the house in be like Mill wants to go to the mall so Im like we got to pick  one thing to do. So we all just get in One car in I got to drive so therefor we all going to whatever we wanted to do. That is how we came up with are plan of the day..