Thursday, March 11, 2010

Opinion 1... Madame C.J Walker Said.....

The person I chose for my quote is Madame C.J Walker “The Hairdresser” of 1867-1919. She invented the (Hot Comb) and known for as a “Hairdresser” Madame C.J Walker said “I had to make my own living and my own opportunities don’t sit down and wait for the opportunity to come you have to get up and make them”. In my opinion she is saying I feel like she is saying go for what you wont in don’t let it come to you. She saying set goals for your self and go for them. Don’t let nothing be giving to you go for what you goals and don’t let it go to waist keep trying and never give up. I look at it as if you want something you got go for it and really believing yourself.

A example, would be me trying to pass EN 001 and RD 095 that is my goal and to get out of college a to be a teacher in Computer Graphics. I can’t give up on that because I look at it as that is my goal in life and I want to be successful in life. I want the best for me in life. I have not gave up yet I want to, but I refuses to because I like to fight for things that I want in life that is the what adults do in life and I have adults expectations. Even though, I know that most people and adults are out here struggling today because it hard today to get a job, money issues, just going to school, and more. When I think about the pop culture and how I can relate to this quote I look at is an encouragement and a saying that she looks up to and does and she wants everyone else to do because you always do not have to give up, and down your self in life. I want to note that everyone does not have to lose everything you can win also in life.


Marcia said...

you right once you set your goals only you can follow them through you just have to have the determination like Madame C.J Walker.

Flyin In Aar said...

cool, you gave great detail about this.

bianka mbeng said...

tjisd has encouraged me to work hard in everything i do