Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lil Wanyne Best Rapper ALIVE.... "ROCKZ OUT"

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[ - *Glitter Photos*]Lil Wayne is the best Rapper Alive that is what he would say and everyone would say. I love Lil Wayne so much he is very popular/ well known in what he dose such as rapping, a good dress to boys, and his lyric of his raps. Although, Lil Wayne has changed a lot through out the years since he stared. His raps are sometimes meaningful but most about money, sex, women, and drugs. Lil Wayne today has changed so much in his music now he is more into rock.

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[ - *Glitter Photos*]Lil Wayne has a story about him self that he grew up as an independent. Lil Wayne style today is very popular with his clothes that he wears. Every male that you see or are around you they all look like they dress like Lil Wayne.Lil Wayne to me is a person that everyone looks up to because, ever since he to his lip pierced everyone decided to get it done because that was the new style. I feel like sometimes people don’t think about them self and the difference in Lil Wayne.

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[ - *Glitter Photos*]He is a celebrity and the people are not. That is why sometime the things he does are not good because, it influence the people. Another, thing is that he has so many tattoos and today a lot of young adults are getting them also at a very young age. They do not think about there future and how they are going to get professional job or how siren jobs look at you if your tattoos are exposed or if you have any piercing like a tough ring ,or lip, and belly ring ect.

All I have to say is that Lil Wayne is a beast and the Best Rapper Alive……

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